1. Abundance
Bird abundance is the total number of individual birds were found during the observation. The calculation of the amount of each type of bird that is using the formula according to van Balen (1984). Determining the value of this abundance to know or specify the types of birds are abundant (much) or not.
Bird abundance is the total number of individual birds were found during the observation. The calculation of the amount of each type of bird that is using the formula according to van Balen (1984). Determining the value of this abundance to know or specify the types of birds are abundant (much) or not.
The number of bird species to-i
The total number of birds
2. Domination
The dominant birds in the area of research, determined using the formula according to Van Balen (1984). namely:
Di = index dominansi a type of bird
ni = number of individuals of a species
N = number of individuals from all types of
Di = index dominansi a type of bird
ni = number of individuals of a species
N = number of individuals from all types of
Di= 0 - 2% is not the type of dominant
Di = 2% - 5% type subdominan
Di => 5% dominant species
3. Species diversity index (H ')
Bird species richness is determined by using the Diversity Index Shannon-Wiener with the formula:
Di = 2% - 5% type subdominan
Di => 5% dominant species
3. Species diversity index (H ')
Bird species richness is determined by using the Diversity Index Shannon-Wiener with the formula:
H’ = - ∑ pi ln pi
H '= species diversity index
Pi = proportion of the value of important
Ln = natural logarithm
4. Index prevalent (E ')
Proportion of bird species abundance is calculated using the prevalent index (Index of Evennes), namely:E = H’/ln S
H '= species diversity index
Pi = proportion of the value of important
Ln = natural logarithm
4. Index prevalent (E ')
Proportion of bird species abundance is calculated using the prevalent index (Index of Evennes), namely:E = H’/ln S
Description: S = number of species
Determining the value of the index prevalent this work to find out prevalent every type of bird found in the community.
5. Type of similarity index (IS)
This index is used to see the similarities between community types of birds from each line and the types of habitat. Index used is the index of the same species (van Balen 1984; Krebs 1985).
Determining the value of the index prevalent this work to find out prevalent every type of bird found in the community.
5. Type of similarity index (IS)
This index is used to see the similarities between community types of birds from each line and the types of habitat. Index used is the index of the same species (van Balen 1984; Krebs 1985).
a + b + c
a = number of species that are only found in 1 location
b = Number of species that are only found in 2 locations
c = Number of species that are found in locations 1 and 2
To see the same level, used dendogram of bird communities between locations. Use of this dendrogram will make it easier to see in the relationship between bird community locations.
b = Number of species that are only found in 2 locations
c = Number of species that are found in locations 1 and 2
To see the same level, used dendogram of bird communities between locations. Use of this dendrogram will make it easier to see in the relationship between bird community locations.
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